I want to begin by saying that I feel so blessed to be a part of a church that is unwaivering when it comes to preaching God's never-ending, never-failing love. I am so thankful for the ways that Elevation church has breathed fresh life into my marriage, my life as Mommy, and my teaching.
The message today was provided by TD Jakes, a very inspirational man of God, who spoke on the topic of forgiveness. There were so many amazing points made and I don't think I'll come close to doing it justice but I wanted to share with you an overview of what he said because I really do think it can be life changing if forgiveness is something you struggle with, and really, who at some point in life hasn't struggled with it?
The message began with comparing unforgiveness to choking; literally taking the breath out of the life that God has intended for us to live. I thought that was such a strong visual of what unforgiveness can do. Jakes pointed out that refusing to forgive someone is like drinking poison and waiting on the other person to die.......powerful right? He also said that refusing to forgive someone is like refusing to exhale. When you breathe, you take in what you do need and let out what you don't need. In, out, in, out - one of God's natural systems created to sustain life. The purpose of exhaling is to let out what isn't necessary. When you live a life spent holding on to grudges, grief, anger, and bitterness -- you are literally choking yourself and cutting off the life that has been meant for you to live. Essentially, when you let unforgiveness poison you from the inside, you and the people in your life are stuck living with what's left over of you and your potential.
More than anything else, the main point was driven home with the parable of a man who was forgiven of his debt of 10,000 talents but then showed wrath toward a man who owed him only 100 pence. This act of power and anger was the exact opposite of the mercy and grace that had been given to him. JUST LIKE JESUS. Jesus has given us forgiveness....of everything .... EVERY thing, even the things nobody knows about and you aren't willing to share because they are from the depths of your mind that you don't want exposed to anyone. If Jesus has shown you that kind of forgiveness, how can you not let forgiveness freely flow to the people around you?
So when we pray "Forgive us our trespasses as we forgive those who trespass against us" do we really mean it? Do we really want God to treat us the way we treat people who have wronged us? Do we really want the same treatment that we offer others?
We are human, we are flawed, we are broken....we will hurt each other. We will do/say some things purposefully and with a spiteful spirit. We will also hurt unintentionally. Sometimes it's ourselves that we need to forgive. But, whatever or whoever it is that is holding you back from your destiny, your potential, because it has turned into a situation of bitterness and unforgiveness ~ Let it go! Be freed from it and move into what you have been called to be!
Imagine what it would be like to breathe freely and deeply again when you let go of what's been choking you! I hope you got something out of this because it touched me so much I had to share.
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